Learn about one of our fabulous Board Members…

How did you get started with Ironclad Races?
The initial board members consisted of a group of runners that I admired and had influenced me in some way with running.  I was in awe of their accomplishments.  They had encouraged me and inspired me to go beyond my limits. So when they invited me to be on the board, how could I say no!

Why are you a Board Member?
I stayed on the board because of the mission statement for this race. The hearts and passion of these members to start the “most welcoming race” and show another side of Kinston is the heartbeat of the race. We keep this race small and affordable so we can learn who the runners are and promote healthy lifestyles. We want to know their stories, their “whys” for running. We want to encourage them and celebrate their accomplishment because every runner has a story…and we want to know it!

How many times have you run this race?
I run this race every year usually the week before the actual race. One because- I want to earn the best medals!! Secondly- because I want to make sure the course is safe. Thirdly- I wouldn’t ask anyone to do what I wasn’t willing to do.

Why did you start running?
I didn’t start running until I was an adult and it started because of a group of friends wanting to run a half marathon. That’s all it took and I have now been running for 12 years and have been a part of putting on the BEST race for the past 6 years.

What is your favorite aspect of Ironclad Races?
My favorite aspect of our race is the small town community feel. We support local non-profits, we use our community for volunteers, our shirts/food/awards all come from our local businesses. There are so many good things about Kinston and we love their support!

I saw this quote and it summoned up why I run and why I love being a board member of Ironclad Races:
“There are friendships that have been forged by dedication and by pain, by defeat and by accomplishment, by mud and by sweat, by laughter and by tears.  Friends who have seen each other when we look our worst and when we look our best, when we feel like we could collapse and when we’ve won our biggest victory.  Friends who encourage us when we want to stop, stick with us when we’re about to fall, and run beside us not just in the races but everyday. These are the types of friendships that don’t fade with time and don’t dwindle with distance.  These are running partners.” – Ellen Gass